Simplified Digital Marketing: Advertising, Systems, and Practices. Discover how to follow the manifesting trend of shifts in digital marketing as it relates the core of advertising, systems, and prevailing practices so you can get a leg in the door of digital advertising, process interrelationships, as well as sales channel management, fulfillment management, and billing management. Do you know you can save your enterprise a lot of finance with today’s cutting edge digital advertising, systems thinking digital marketing, and practical sales channel, fulfillment, and billing? These are what this book leads you to doing, learning, discovering, and applying tools as your cutting edge solution to take the reins of digital marketing. Do you ever wonder why advertising dollars no longer lead to more sales? The secret is that contacts are now comfortably positioned behind a smart device and not reaching them on their device of choice hurts marketing efforts. I have seen several digital services catch on and catch up, and that’s why I set out to deliver flexCRM as a one-off solution of a difference that makes sense to tie all these concepts together, and this book contains the concept on which that system is built, perhaps the secret behind most CRM tools as far as advertising, systems, and practices are concerned.Let me explain: Digital marketing derives from advertising, CRM and sales channel, fulfillment, and billing. There is a relationship between the processes, mechanisms, people, and infrastructure that make CRM happen, such that digital marketing practice is the key that unlocks all CRM solutions by unbundling sales channel, fulfillment, and billing which are exhaustively presented in this book. Not embracing digital marketing will cost both you and the organisation you represent a lot of opportunities and in fact may get relegated by competitive rivalry from the more digital savvy big dogs of your industry.The big question on your mind is, how could all marketing be done digitally, and uncover opportunities digitally? Many enterprises are doing just that at the moment, and if you’re not putting the strategies to move all functions digitally you could as well have been forward-masked. Contents abound on the topic but this guidebook is meant to put out the meat of the topic as a concise straightforward concept of what it is with adverting, systems, and practice of digital marketing in three parts with three chapters each, particularly as it applies to what is about to emerge as the most cost effective CRM solution ever in digital marketing, the difference that makes sense, flexCRM, to deliver digital marketing as a modern instrument for business transformation.