Hello, and welcome to the world of Bitcoin. As a business student, I have become fascinated with currency and how it is exchange for consumer goods and services. I have went out on my own to conduct extensive research on this interesting and secretive currency, and I am proud to provide you with my informational results In the United States we use the U.S. dollar for currency, but many foreign nations don''t recognize the U.S. dollar. What about a universal currency? Bitcoin may be able to contribute to this revolution example, and many others. So dive on in on how this currency works, and you can get started in becoming a major part of Bitcoin today! I have a Bachelor's Degree of Business Administration from Tiffin University, and also an Associates Degree of Management Technology. To get started trading Bitcoin today (on the most safest and securest Bitcoin wallet trading platforms), and for $5 free dollars in Bitcoin, copy and paste or click this link: https://www.coinbase.com/join/tclinger